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Abbott Pass Refuge Cabin, AB

Algonquin Park, Ontario

Banff Springs Hotel, Alberta

Bar U Ranch, Alberta

Batoche Settlement, SK

Battle Harbour, Labrador

Beaumont Hamel, France

Buxton Settlement, Ontario

Central Experimental Farm

CFB Esquimalt, BC

Chilkoot Trail, BC

Churchill Research Range, MB

Dawson City, Yukon

Deline (Fort Franklin), NT

Diefenbunker Nuclear Shelter, ON

Elgin/Winter Garden, ON

Exchange District, MB

Fort Anne/Port Royal, NS

Fort Battleford, SK

Fort Conger, Ellesmere Isl

Fort Steele, BC

Fortifications of Quebec, QC

Fortress of Louisbourg, NS

Green Gables House, PEI

Grosse ile Immigration Stn

Gulf of Georgia Cannery, BC

Hatley Park, BC

Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump

HMCS Haida, Ontario

Kingston Penitentiary, ON

L'Anse aux Meadows, NL

Lunenburg, NS

Kejimkujik National Park, NS

Marysville, NB

McLean Mill, BC

Methye Portage, NB

Minister's Island, NB

Moravian Missions, Labrador

Motherwell Homestead, SK

Neubergthal St Village, MB

Nunsting, BC

Old Fort William, ON

Pointe au Pere, QC

Province House, PEI

Quebec City, CQ

Queenston Chippewa Hydro

Red Bay Whaling Station, NL

Rideau Canal, Ontario

Rogers Pass, Alta

Royal Canadian Mint, ON

Saint John Old City Market

Signal Hill, NL

Skoki Ski Lodge, AB

St Roch, BC

Stanley Park, BC


Montreal Main, QC

Trent Severn Waterway, ON

Union Station, ON

Vimy Ridge, France

Wanuskewin, SK

Turner Valley Gas Plant, AB

Women's College Hospital, ON

Mitch Azaria
Executive Producer
Contact Us
Andrea Minty
Business Affairs
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